At, motion graphic designers can find freelance opportunities by selecting from industry-standard briefs. These briefs typically result in short videos designed for social media marketing. Clients provide guidelines and assets directly to Vidsy, which acts as the intermediary between creators and companies. This platform not only allows me to enrich my portfolio but also provides valuable experience in handling tight deadlines and meeting specific design requests.




Photoshop | Illustrator | After Effects | Premiere | Audition

Thanks to this job I can tackle different clients with different needs. This gives me variety in my workflow and enables me to learn different styles of communication. Here is a growing list of the clients I have worked for thanks to Vidsy.

Lancome – Blurred Matte

L’Oreal – Trigger Warning!

Blizzard – Answer The Call

Flash – #InWithTheOld

Henkel – Naturale Antica Erboristeria (N.A.E.)

NowTV – Rocketman

NowTV – Christmas

NowTV – Halloween